Keeping Warm for the Spady!

We are once again taking donations of new or gently used and freshly laundered socks, gloves, mitts, scarves, toques, and hand warmers for our friends who are homeless and living on the street this freezing winter and making use of the services at The George Spady Society in Edmonton's downtown. We collected these items from our clients and community members last winter with booming success! We managed to bring several large collective donations through the months down last year thanks to the generous donations of Red Loon clients and friends.
Lets do it again this year! The George Spady Society provides support for people struggling with addictions, mental illness, homelessness and getting back on their feet. Providing a safe space for a warm place to sleep, for help with a bite a food, drink of water and a hot shower and to get help for addiction issues. We can't image being outside for more than several minutes without gloves and a scarf, let alone hours, days and weeks. Please drop off donations any time Red Loon is open! Tuesday - Saturday, 11am-7pm Thanks, friends!! PLEASE SHARE THIS POST!